Leader Cantor Celebrates Our Nation's Veterans On FOX News Channel


Date: May 19, 2012
Issues: Veterans

On Richmond's Welcome Home Our Heroes Parade.

"I think that so much of what our lives are about is premised upon the sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make for us and their families go through for us. This parade that is in Richmond today is a Welcome Home Our Heroes Parade, and is a very fitting celebration of that sacrifice. There's a woman in Richmond who was a vet herself, she actually works for the Richmond Times-Dispatch newspaper. And it was her idea to replicate what was going on in St. Louis and make this an event for us in Richmond and for the Commonwealth of Virginia. I think it's just a tremendous event for all of us to honor the individuals who really have given everything for our country."

On Providing Our Veterans With The Resources They Need.

"There is a village, a veterans resource village at the end of the parade. It brings together all kinds of services for our veterans so that they know they are coming home to a welcoming community. It is a part of our obligation because we have asked our men and women in uniform to go and fight for our freedom and the security of our country. The least we can do is to be there for them when they come home in a welcoming way. It sort of echoes what we are doing in the House of Representatives in Washington, which is to make sure that we have in place policies that signal to veterans that we want them to come back to the community, we want them to have an easy way of regaining employment and we want to make sure that they are accessing the services they need."

On The House Passage Of The National Defense Authorization Act.

"The House of Representatives this week voted on the National Defense Authorization Act which is a blueprint for the kind of commitment that I believe we should be making for the national security and defense of our country. We're living in a time of unconventional enemies engaged in unconventional warfare. Frankly, there is no other military power or economic power in the world that can rival what we in America muster. And part of the decision I think the country has to make, as we work our way towards election in November, is are we going to be continuing to do that? Are we going to continue to lead globally? So much of that is dependent upon the will of the men and women that we send overseas. Are we going to commit the necessary resources and make them a priority? I believe strongly that we should."
